FMCG Client

Revolutionizing the FMCG Landscape: Unleashing Connectivity for Tomorrow's Consumer.

Lifestyle image of a younger generation of Vuse Cooper consumers.

A leading Fast-Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG) company approached us to help them reshape their strategy for a changing world. This case study explores how we tackled this challenge and generated innovative insights to prepare the FMCG client for tomorrow's connected global consumer.


In response to the growing need for a viable and diverse future, a prominent FMCG (Fast-Moving Consumer Goods) company approached our team to assist them in developing a more strategic and connected vision. This case study outlines our approach and the innovative insights we generated to enable our FMCG client to target the needs of tomorrow's global, connected consumer.


Slide image summarizing the client's request.


To kickstart the process, we conducted a comprehensive survey of the FMCG company's existing brand and product offerings. This allowed us to gain a thorough understanding of their current positioning and identify areas for improvement.

To delve deeper into potential opportunities, we conducted secondary research focused on identifying a shared consumer segment, between our FMCG client and two other verticals: the automotive and coffee industries. By understanding consumer behaviors and preferences in these verticals, we aimed to uncover synergies and discover new avenues for growth. The content which follows was developed to help inform and drive targeted collaboration between our FMCG client and Lavazza Coffee.


In order to move beyond surface-level insights, we developed proto-personas which represented the shared consumer segment. This exercise helped us visualize the target audience's characteristics, needs, and aspirations. Additionally, we identified key moments within their individual journeys, considering their connected devices and contextual interactions. This enabled us to pinpoint specific areas for personalization and tailored experiences.

Slide image outlining our key female proto-persona.
Slide image outlining our key male proto-persona.

Key personas which are applicable to both the FMCG and Coffee verticals.

Slide image highlighting key moments in our proto-personas lives where FMCG and coffee verticals overlap.
Slide image highlighting key moments in our proto-personas lives where FMCG and coffee verticals overlap.

Key moments which overlap both the FMCG and Coffee verticals.

Workshop Materials

Slide image of all materials used for a co-creation workshop.

These materials were created to stimulate collaboration and co-creation.


We synthesized our research findings into a comprehensive deck, which served as a valuable resource during innovation workshops with key stakeholders from both the automotive and coffee industries. By facilitating these workshops, we fostered collaboration and unlocked a breadth of new opportunities. These opportunities encompassed a dynamic range of experiences, services, new products, and innovative brand and product strategies.


Throughout the project, I led a team of three individuals who were responsible for helping me research, synthesize the findings, design the presentation decks, and workshop materials. Our collaborative efforts, combined with the active participation of the FMCG company and its vertical partners, resulted in transformative outcomes. The newfound opportunities provided our FMCG client with the means to target the increasingly connected consumer base of tomorrow.


This case study highlights the approach we took to help an FMCG company envision a more strategic and connected future. By leveraging market research, defining proto-personas, and facilitating innovation workshops, we successfully identified new avenues for growth and enabled our client to better serve the needs of the global, connected consumer. The findings and insights presented here offer valuable lessons for other companies seeking to navigate a rapidly evolving marketplace.


  • Pitch

  • Overall Approach

  • Research

  • Crossover Persona Definition

  • Crossover Key Moments

  • Workshop Deck Development

  • Workshop Materials Development

  • Workshop direction and facilitation

  • Post Workshop Synthesis

  • Travel

Team Structure

  • Role: Strategy and Design Director

  • Supportive Roles:

    • Junior Design Associate

    • Design Intern

    • Client Partner

  • Consultancy: Reply